Developing Talent: A Q&A with OTO’s 2024 Interns

August 19, 2024 | Careers

Developing Talent: A Q&A with OTO’s 2024 Interns

Summertime and the livin’ is easy … but our interns sure worked hard!

These emerging young professionals are part of The Johnson Group’s 2024 cohort of 25 interns from nine colleges and universities, and they spent the past three months immersed in meaningful responsibilities while turning classroom theories into real-world practice.

Just before everyone headed back to school — or, in some cases, moved into full-time jobs with us — we gathered ‘round for a quick Q&A. Here’s what they shared:


Jacob Collins

Revenue Management Intern
USC Upstate | Finance & Economics

What was the most rewarding part of your internship? The networking opportunities. Building connections with insightful professionals throughout The Johnson Group will be beneficial for my future success.

What surprised you most about this summer? The Johnson Group demonstrates exceptional care for interns, far exceeding my initial expectations. The structured programs ensured that we gained important knowledge and valuable experience throughout our internship.

How do you plan to apply what you learned in your future career? The analyst skills and Excel capabilities I developed this summer have proven to be extremely valuable and will be highly beneficial in the future.

How did you see our Guiding Principles reflected around you this summer? I saw Partnership reflected through collaborative efforts and mutual support. Leaders fostered an environment where team members could share insights and work together effectively, ensuring everyone was equipped to make informed decisions. I feel this fostered a supportive and united team culture.


Jackson Crump

Accounting Intern
Wofford | Accounting

What was the most rewarding part of your internship? The independence and trust I received from the team. I was given lots of responsibility, which not only enhanced my learning and experience but also made my work truly impactful.

What surprised you most about this summer? I was surprised most by the community and travel experiences offered to interns. The company was great about incorporating trips for us as well as immersing us in the local community. As a Wofford student, I am familiar with Spartanburg, South Carolina, but this summer I was shown unique opportunities of which I was previously unaware.

How do you plan to apply what you learned in your future career? This real-world experience will enhance my understanding of accounting practices going forward. I also gained great insight into the best future steps to take toward attaining a CPA.

How did you see our Guiding Principles reflected around you this summer? The principle I experienced the most was Partnership. In the hospitality business, collaboration and partnership are required each day among team members to ensure success.


Diana Fajardo

Tax Intern
USC Upstate | Accounting

What was the most rewarding part of your internship? The opportunity to work in such a supportive atmosphere gave me the confidence I needed to get my work done and not be afraid to ask questions.

What surprised you most about this summer? I was surprised by how friendly and welcoming the corporate office is. The Johnson Group planned various enriching experiences for interns such as insightful lunch-and-learns, community involvement, and social events.

How do you plan to apply what you learned in your future career? I aspire to have a career in the tax field and am grateful to have gained real-world experience in sales and occupancy tax. Interning within the tax department has taught me many invaluable methods and skills.

How did you see our Guiding Principles reflected around you this summer? I saw a lot of Humility. Everybody has respected skills and talents and can contribute wonderfully to the team. Team members always listen and accept feedback from one another and are willing to seek advice from their colleagues, too. Their willingness to learn and cooperate has created such a productive work environment.


Taylor Gravley

Creative Services Intern
Clemson | Travel, Tourism & Event Management

What was the most rewarding part of your internship? It was fulfilling to see all the work I had completed displayed on the properties’ websites, social media, and even in the hotels themselves. Knowing that everything I created throughout the summer would impact OTO’s hotels and restaurants was such a good feeling.

What surprised you most about this summer? I was surprised by the amount of responsibility I was given. I was able to start and complete projects entirely on my own. It was evident throughout my time working for OTO that they want their interns to succeed and trust them to contribute to the company’s success.

How do you plan to apply what you learned in your future career? I deepened my knowledge and gained hands-on experience in Adobe Creative Cloud, which allowed me to edit and create print and digital collateral for properties. I also learned to create and edit websites through Wix. As someone who wants to pursue a career in marketing, I believe that the skills I have learned will be highly beneficial.

How did you see our Guiding Principles reflected around you this summer? I saw Partnership daily in the marketing department. The amount of respect and trust team members had for one another was astonishing. This allowed for successful collaboration and created a positive work environment.


Carson Kneisley

Payroll Intern
Converse | Business Administration

What was the most rewarding part of your internship? Giving back to the community I was raised in! I enjoyed volunteering with Habitat for Humanity and United Way the most because I felt that I made the biggest impact in helping build a house for the less fortunate and providing school supplies to kids who need them.

What surprised you most about this summer? I have never been a part of a company where Guiding Principles are integrated so intentionally and seamlessly. I was pleased to see that everyone was easy to talk to and willing to help me learn and grow as a young professional. It was clear that my team wanted to see me excel and they were willing to answer any questions I had.

How do you plan to apply what you learned in your future career? I plan to apply the Guiding Principles everywhere I go. They have had such a great impact on how I think, act, and interact with other people.

How did you see our Guiding Principles reflected around you this summer? I saw Partnership the most. Everyone on my team communicated openly and honestly with each other and with the hotel general managers. Being in payroll, it is very important to build a relationship with the general managers so that payroll can be processed on time.


Charlotte Lassiter

Marketing Intern
Wake Forest | Communications

What was the most rewarding part of your internship? Gaining hands-on experience in the different disciplines within marketing. I have been able to be part of a variety of projects, utilize diverse skill sets, and understand the depth of each role within marketing. I am grateful to be around people with so much knowledge about the hospitality and marketing industry.

What surprised you most about this summer? The most surprising part of my internship has been my direct communication with the properties. It has been fun to learn more about each property, interact with members of the hotel staff, and create marketing content for the hotels.

How do you plan to apply what you learned in your future career? I’ve learned the importance of leading, adapting, and collaborating. These skills can prepare me to be a successful leader and understand various leadership styles. My internship has taught me pivotal skills including the importance of teamwork and not being afraid to ask for help.

How did you see our Guiding Principles reflected around you this summer? I experienced Integrity every day through the leaders around me and how they make each decision. Seeing the Guiding Principles first-hand has been very motivating and empowering, and has inspired me to implement them into my daily life.


Elizabeth Marshall

Real Estate Intern
Washington and Lee | Mathematics

What was the most rewarding part of your internship? I am proud of the market-statistic visualizations that I made to help the team better understand hospitality trends on a submarket level.

What surprised you most about this summer? The collaborative and encouraging culture of the real estate team and the ways they efficiently navigate potential investments. I had the opportunity to travel to various markets across the country, which allowed me to see a deal come to life on a construction site.

How do you plan to apply what you learned in your future career? I will apply the communication, business writing, and presentation skills that I learned this summer to precisely articulate contributions in my future career.

How did you see our Guiding Principles reflected around you this summer? I saw Principled Entrepreneurship all around me as I watched the real estate team forecast possible project costs and market performance to inform decisions on potential investments.


Finn Reid

Human Resources Intern
Wake Forest | Political Science

What was the most rewarding part of your internship? The ability to work in a corporate environment with such a Principles-focused professional community. It will be nearly impossible to top the experience that I had at OTO, thanks to the team members who were here to guide me. 

What surprised you most about this summer? The level of freedom and inclusion that all The Johnson Group interns had was surprising. We not only helped in our respective fields but also took command of different projects and gained real-world experience. I had no idea that I would be able to have such an impact.

How do you plan to apply what you learned in your future career? I learned more about real estate and the inner workings of a business than I have in any class. I will most definitely apply the real-world experience of human resources, recruitment, and real estate to future investments and employment.

How did you see OTO’s Guiding Principles reflected around you this summer? I saw Initiative throughout my internship. To me, initiative means taking action, working hard, and taking things into your own hands. All my team members worked with each other, took time to build relationships, and faced issues head-on.


Caleb Sampson

Finance Intern
UNC Kenan-Flager | Business Administration

What was the most rewarding part of your internship? I was able to take a deep dive into hotel operations and capital markets, learning firsthand how OTO’s hotels are run and financed.

What surprised you most about this summer? I was surprised by how many moving pieces are involved in the day-to-day operations of the assets and how many employees work for OTO across the different departments.

How do you plan to apply what you learned in your future career? I plan to apply what I’ve learned in the future when I analyze hotels and other real estate investments and find optimal ways to finance them.

How did you see OTO’s Guiding Principles reflected around you this summer? I’ve seen Partnership used frequently in interactions between OTO’s different departments. The finance team is heavily involved with operations and team members work collaboratively with the regional directors, accounting department, and real estate team. I’ve also seen how OTO partners with lenders, brokers, and consultants to raise debt capital and improve their business.


Ford Webb

Development Intern
Washington and Lee | Business Administration

What was the most rewarding part of your internship? It was extremely rewarding to travel to Washington, D.C., to be physically present for the closing of a property. I assisted on owner’s representation for [a soon-to-be-announced] project. I became acquainted with the development process and got to know some of the nicest, most caring people along the way.

What surprised you most about your summer internship experience? I had relatively little knowledge of construction before this internship, but walking around the job site, I was able to visualize what I didn’t understand and ask questions. Helping with the contract and permitting process provided unique insights into behind-the-scenes work to complete the approval process. Understanding the importance of timing, a budget, and the value of well-done work will serve me well in any sector of real estate.

How do you plan to apply what you learned in your future career? This internship has reaffirmed my interest in the field of real estate and my desire to be involved with properties for the rest of my life. I have been inspired by the OTO team’s incredible ability to see opportunities hidden beneath the surface, and I am grateful to have had the chance to be around great industry minds this summer.

How did you see our Guiding Principles reflected around you this summer? While on-site, I had to take Initiative to track key performance indicators of the construction progress in a timely manner. I was often policing myself with no superiors around. I also had to have Integrity in relaying what was done on a given day in order to paint the most accurate picture possible of development progress. I found Fulfillment in contributing to the gradual progress of a major hotel development project.

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